Sanne Maes
Born 1974, The Hague
Works and lives in The Netherlands and in Spain



2024      Human Nature [menselijke aard], Pulchri Studio, The Hague ___ Solo [31 augustus - 22 september]


2023      TILL NEXT TIME BYE BYE   |  galerie @remy_wezenbeek, Antwerp, Belgium[15 jul - 26 aug]
2023      BYE BYE TILL NEXT TIME   |  galerie @remy_wezenbeek, Antwerp, Belgium  [3 jun - 2 jul]
2023      Gestalten, galerie KV02, The Hague NL [26 mei - 6 jun]
2023      IDENTITIES |  'Portraying the Intangible', Kunsthalle Trier, Germany [18 mei - 11 jun]


2019      Affordable Art Fair, Hamburg Messe, Germany
2019      ArtNomaden XL, De Helena, The Hague NL
2019      Najaarssalon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague NL
2019      Doll, ArtNomaden, Pulchri Studio, The Hague NL
2019      Privite viewing, Group exhibition, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Waver, Belgium
2019      KUNSTRAI, Gallery Chiefs & Spirits, Amsterdam NL __ [Solo]
2019      ArtNomaden, Firma van Drie, Gouda NL

2018      New boots and... ,Ruimtevaart, The Hague NL
2018      The Poetic Condition, North Art gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
2018      Najaarssalon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague NL
2018      Identiteiten, Koenders, Den Haag NL __ [Solo]

2017      This Art Fair, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam __ [Solo]
2017      The Poetic Condition, Backwal gallery, Otaki, New Zealand
2017      Art For Animals Sake, House of Animals, Amsterdam
2017      RAF #4, Ruimtevaart, The Hague __ [Solo]
2017      Kruisbestuiving, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2017      Voorjaarssalon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2017      Personal Relations, Mirror Gallery, Vicenza, Italy
2017      Personal Relations, Pulchri Studio, The Hague

2016      The Poetic Condition, The Shutter Room, Whangarei, New Zealand
2016      Personal Relations, The Cello Factory, London
2016      Home !/?, Ruimtevaart, The Hague
2016      Najaarssalon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2016      Identiteit en identificatie, Pulchri Studio, The Hague __ [Solo]
2016      Genomineerden Van Ommeren De Voogdprijs, Pulchri Studio, The Hague

2015      This Art Fair, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam __ [Solo]
2015      DDDD, Ruimtevaart,The Hague
2015      Najaarssalon, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2015      Summer Expo 2015, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague

2014      Grote tekententoonstelling, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2014      Jeux d’esprits: sculptures, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2014      Haags talent, Villa Maarheeze, Wassenaar
2014      Summer Expo 2014, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague

2013      Verse aanwas, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2013      Body in motion, Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2013      Summer Expo 2013, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
2013      KABK gallery, Curator Rien Monshouwer, The Hague

2012      Open Source Expo, Incubate, Koepelhal, Tilburg
2012      Summer Expo 2012, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
2012      Corps Retardée, Hoogtij #29, BH139, The Hague
2012      Metamorfose, Hcak Revisited, Ruimtevaart, The Hague

2011      LINKED, Bink Vijf Hoog, The Hague
2011      Open source expo, Incubate, FAXX Building, Tilburg
2011      Summer Expo 2011, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
2011      VIDEO RELEASE @ ANTILOUNGE 8, Paard van Troje, The Hague

2010      VideoART Lightroute, video projections on location during light-festival, Multiple locations, Gouda
2010      Expo, ANNA@KV20, The Hague
2010      miK expo, Hoogtij #20, BH139, The Hague

2009      WILD BEAMEN @ PYMK o.l.v. Hester Scheurwater, Groede
2009      Hawerkamp festival, Tryptichon, Münster, Duitsland
2009      (voor)uitzicht vrouw, Het Nutshuis, The Hague
2009      10 jaar "GESPOT TALENT", Museum Kunstpaviljoen, Nieuw-Roden

2008      Video installation on location during lightfestival, Gallery Kryn, Gouda
2008      Sporen in Scheltema, Scheltema, Leiden
2008      Media Art Festival voor Jong Talent, Media Art Friesland, Leeuwarden
2008      Paraat #4 ‘Best of Graduates 2008, 'RONMANDOS gallery, Amsterdam
2008      Graduation Show, KABK, The Hague
2008      Blote Voeten art-event, KingKong Gallery, The Hague
2008      Ragazza? Erotica!, The Drive-by, Look-in, See-through gallery, The Hague

2007      UITGELICHT #10 (movie program), Art house Cinema, Zaal 5, The Hague
2007      "Home sweet Home", Gallery Johannes 52, The Hague

2006      Expositie "Ingeraamd", Art #2, Vrije Academie, The Hague
2006      Ground One, Haagse broeddagen, Kingkong Galerie, The Hague


2024      Review: Tentoonstelling | Human Nature | Pulchri Studio magazine.
2024      Calender: 'De grote Nederlandse kunstkalender 2024'
2018      Interview: Pandora, tijdschrift voor kunst & literatuur. Jaargang 7. nr.4
2017      Review: Identificatie en identiteit. Kees Koomen _ Jegens & Tevens
2016      Review: Tentoonstelling | Identiteit en identificatie | Pulchri Studio magazine.
2016      Review: This Art Fair 2015 / De handleiding. Nathalie van der Lely _ Jegens en Tevens.
2015      Review: 'De Van Ommeren De Voogt Prijs'_ Den Haag Centaal Krant.
2015      Review: 'Vijf keer op rij in ZomerExpo '_ Jegens en Tevens.
2015      Catalogue: 'Woest,  ZomerExpo 2015'_Gemeentemuseum Den Haag  
2014      Catalogue: 'Licht,  ZomerExpo 2014'_Gemeentemuseum Den Haag   
2013      Catalogue: 'Aarde,  ZomerExpo 2013'_Gemeentemuseum Den Haag  
2012      Calender: 'De grote Haagse kunstkalender  2013'
2012      Catalogue: 'Liefde, ZomerExpo 2012'_Gemeentemuseum Den Haag   
2012      Review: Corps Retardée. Ed Jansen. Pictured #18 _Jegens en Tevens.
2012      Review: Corps Retardée. Kees Koomen. 18 juni 2012 _ chmkoome's Blog.
2011      Catalogue: ' Anoniem gekozen', ZomerExpo_ Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
2011      Review: Museumwerk, Liesbeth Voorthuisen, NL70
2010      Review: Hoogtij, tussen kunst en kou. Kunstbeeld.
2009      Review: Hawerkamp festival expo @ Triptychon Münster. _ Trendbeheer, Eelco van der Lingen          
2008      Catalogue groepexhibition: Wild en onverwacht, nu... met extra kunst. Media art festival voor jong talent '08, Friesland   
2008      Interview: Media Art Festival fan start. _ Fynst reporter, Friesland           


Grants & Awards

2015      Grant:  SPOT Individual Exhibition Subsidy. This Art Fair Amsterdam
2015      Nominated for the 'Van Ommeren De Voogt Prijs'. Pulchri Studio, The Hague  
2012      Grant:  SPOT Documentation Subsidy. Essay by Philip Peters
2012      Grant:  SPOT Individual Exhibition Subsidy. Corps Retardée
2008      Nominated for the Young Talent prize By SMAF, Media Art, Friesland     
2008      Award: Goedman Art Prize, KABK, The Hague     3e place

Artistic activities

2015      Jury member for the Jacob Hartog Prijs ___ Voorjaarssalon 2015, Puchri The Hague.
2011      Videoclip for track by Polymass - Tjok ___ ANTILOUNGE 8
2010      Curator and organizer of Video Art Route during Gouda by Artificial Light Festival. With video installations from Nicole Donkers,
               Jolanda Jansen, Krista van der Wilk, Eliane Willeumier en Sanne Maes.
2010      Curator and organizer of an Art Route on the beach between Scheveningen and Kijkduin during the climate change festival:
               The sea is coming!.
2009      Organization of a Geothermal Art Project, The Hague. "Aardwarmte project"
2009      The creation of a new artist initiative in The Hague, SNOSJ, along with Lenny Waasdorp and Pim Voorneman.
2007      Establishing and running an a temporary gallery space in The Hague, "The Drive-by, Look-in, See-through gallery"
2006      Establishing and running an a temporary gallery space in The Hague, "Johannes 52 gallery"
2006      A Video Art Installation Route in the center of The Hague on the occasion of the Day of Human Rights. Organization: Stoemp
               Project management: Onno Schilstra

2006     The creation of a new artist initiative in The Hague, STOEMP, together with Ewa Stroes and Anieszka Markowska.
              Our mission: to provide a platform for artists by organizing ever changing, accessible art projects.



2003 - 2008      BA Fine Art, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
1993 - 1998      BA Fine Art & Design Teacher Training, HR&O, Rotterdam